Living shelter architects joins board & Vellum

In 2022, Living Shelter Architects joined Seattle architecture and design firm, Board & Vellum, forming the base of a new studio focused on sustainable practices, with Terry Phelan at the helm. At the end of 2024, Terry Phelan will retire from Board & Vellum to embark on her next adventure, handing off the torch to the dedicated team at Board & Vellum.

Founded by Terry Phelan in 1992, Living Shelter Architects was a leader in sustainable design for 30 years. Also passionate about sustainable practice, the team at Board & Vellum offers integrated design services in architecture, interiors, and landscape architecture, and they were eager to accelerate their knowledge and growth into the world of deeply sustainable projects with Terry’s mentorship.

Responsibility to sustainable practices has always been at the core of both Living Shelter Architects’ and Board & Vellum’s approach. Combining our talented and passionate teams, with credentials and accreditations like LEED, LFA, and CPHC, means we are more ready than ever to bring approachable sustainability measures to everything we do. Please visit us at Board & Vellum to learn more!
