Podcast — Blog — Living Shelter Architects

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Podcast: The Power of Moms with Corey Colwell-Lipson

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The Eco-Logical Home Podcast

Moms are some of the strongest proponents for health, sustainability, and social justice. They also represent over 80% of the world’s purchasing power, and businesses are taking notice. Corey Colwell-Lipson of Celebrate Green, Green Halloween, and the EcoMom Alliance joins Terry to talk about the power of moms to help propel an environmentally, socially, and economically healthy world.

Podcast: Sharing Code Innovations with Chris Van Daalen

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The Eco-Logical Home Podcast

Getting a permit to build a home from natural materials like clay and straw can take time and tenacity. The good news is; all the effort isn’t for just one permit! The process establishes credibility for whatever innovative method the project is using, and doors open for others. There is a resource being developed for sharing information about permit success stories called the Code Innovations Database, and Chris Van Daalen, who is heading up this project, joins Terry to talk about this important work.

Podcast: Change Your Food, Change Your Life with Dennis Weaver

The Eco-Logical Home Podcast

We are what we eat! Our bodies come into contact with a myriad of things every day that affect our well being. While we can’t always control our environment, we can choose what food goes into our bodies. Terry’s guest on this episode is Dennis Weaver, who is on a campaign to inspire us to eat better with Change your Food Change your Life, a high-energy good health education company. Listen in to the fun!

Podcast: Flooring Choices with Sandy Campbell of Entero Design

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The Eco-Logical Home Podcast

One of the first things people think to do when considering a home remodel is to redo the flooring. That’s a good thing, as getting rid of old carpeting is one of the healthiest things you can do! But what then? Do you want to refinish a wood floor, and if so what are the best methods? Or perhaps you’d prefer to bring in a new material, like cork or tile? Sandy Campbell of Seattle’s Entero Design joins Terry to help explore some sustainable, healthy options for different rooms in the house.

Podcast: CoAbode Shared Housing with Carmel Boss

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The Eco-Logical Home Podcast

Shared housing is a sustainable choice for so many reasons. It stretches budgets and reduces energy use, building material needs, and food preparation time per person. We recently learned about a shared housing initiative called CoAbode, an online ‘mom-matching’ service which connects single moms for house sharing opportunities. CoAbode founder Carmel Boss joins Terry on this episode to talk about how this service is improving the lives of these moms and their kids.

Podcast: Beautiful Earthen Floors with Sukita Crimmel

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The Eco-Logical Home Podcast

Earthen floors are an alternative to concrete that is warm to the touch, with a hardness between fir and oak. They are experiencing a rebirth in north America after being overlooked for years, with installations in both rural and urban locations. Sukita Reay Crimmel is a natural builder living in Portland that has become known for her work in earthen building, and especially with these beautiful floors. She joins Terry to talk about them, and how natural building is influencing the construction industry today.